In a commendable initiative, the BOSCH India Foundation has funded a plantation drive in Ambakkam village, Varanavasi Panchayat, Walajabad Union, Kanchipuram district. Covering a vast expanse of four acres, this project aims to preserve the rich biodiversity of our region by planting 21 endangered native tree species.
The diverse range of trees planted includes:
In a collaborative effort with Sangalpataru Foundation, we have successfully established a large forest on a 15-acre government-owned land in Devariyambakkam village, Walajabad Union, Kanchipuram district. After obtaining the necessary permissions, we have planted a diverse range of trees, including banyan, peepal, iluppa, fig, guava, and mango. These trees not only provide food for birds but also help attract rainfall.
We are actively engaged in planting native tree species on government-owned public land in Thirumukkodal village, Salavakkam Union, Kanchipuram district. Having obtained the necessary permissions from the district administration, we are focusing on planting indigenous trees such as Kongan neem, Aalam, Arasu, Athi, Iluppa, Naval, Mahogany, Mandarai, and Neer maruthu.